
Bridge, an ancient and graceful game, has entered Starr Hall for several years. As an organization to popularize bridge and one of the cultural teams, our bridge team has regular practice, friendly match as well as Inter-Hall Bridge Competition.

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Stargazer is an active music team in Starr Hall. Every year, students from different nationalities and music backgrounds come and jam together as music becomes is always a common language for all. We have been actively performing in Starr Hall, HKU and various places, both inside and outside Hong Kong. Our bandmates also provide free instrumental courses for hallmates who …

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Our Dance Team aims at bringing joy and excitement from dancing to members.In the annual Joint-Hall Mass Dance, hallmates are provided with the opportunity to show their efforts in the teamtrains and enjoy themselves throughout the whole process. With the sweats and efforts spent, all dancers gain memorable experience from the event!

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Starr Drama is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling cultural teams in Starr Hall. We provide hallmates with the opportunity to participate in various drama performances, such as starr drama night and annual Inter-Hall Drama Competition. Drama productions involve cooperation of a large group of hallmates, like director, playwright, stage management, actors, backstage crew, etc. Friendship and hot blood are definitely …

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“Debate brings happiness, motivating us to build friendship, to get well-prepared, and thus to win the game.” It has always been Debate Team’s motto. In every debate matches what they treasure is what to learn within and the courage to go on and not get disheartened even being defeated. Every year, members from Debate Team show their hard work and …

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On The Street

Morbi sed dolor non ipsum laoreet mattis tristique et enim. Suspendisse fringilla arcu leo, quis mattis quam interdum et. Morbi nec consectetur arcu. Aenean dictum mi vitae nisl bibendum bibendum ac nec lorem. Nam est lorem, feugiat vel turpis a, molestie molestie quam. Praesent at commodo sem. Ut placerat lorem vitae turpis hendrerit, at pulvinar augue ullamcorper. Sed sodales tristique …

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Blue Folder Design

Curabitur non odio facilisis, lacinia sapien vel, iaculis augue. Vestibulum ipsum elit, tempor quis dolor non, cursus malesuada augue. Pellentesque et laoreet velit. Sed vel neque rutrum turpis elementum luctus in eu velit. Fusce ut convallis odio. Suspendisse potenti. Nam nisl erat, lacinia in elit ac, elementum sagittis tellus. Donec congue pretium metus, ut condimentum velit rhoncus ut. Maecenas sagittis …

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Branding Identity

Maecenas sagittis sagittis diam quis condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ante lorem, suscipit sit amet sagittis a, pretium at risus. Sed elit leo, mollis at lorem sed, vulputate accumsan odio. Duis sit amet orci at orci tristique pharetra eget sed purus. Maecenas nunc purus, posuere volutpat congue quis, elementum et …

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